Alone. Back. Crib. Every Child. Every time.
WCHD is now a partner in Cribs for Kids©, a National Infant Safe Sleep Initiative 1998. The goal of the program is to provide safe sleep education and safe sleeping environments for infants in need.
We are looking for partners in the county to refer qualified candidates to receive education and a safe sleep survival kit (Graco Pack N’ Play Halo sleep sack, Pack N’ Play crib sheet, and pacifier).
To be eligible to receive a Safe Sleep Survival Kit candidates must:
- Be a resident of Wayne County, a mother in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy or has a child 6 months or younger
- Have a family income that does not exceed 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income
- Family must receive education on safe sleep, proper use of pack n’ play, and use of other materials in the survival kit
Please have the parent fill out the referral form below.
Cribs for Kids Referral Form308.61 KB