Private Water Wells


The Private Water Systems program is a state program that is in enforced by the Environmental Health unit in Wayne county.

The purpose of the program is to protect the citizens of Wayne County as well as the water sources by providing education and enforcing public health laws and regulations.

Private Water Systems are defined as:

  • potable water wells
  • ponds
  • springs
  • cisterns
  • hauled water storage tanks that provide drinking water to fewer than 25 people, less than sixty days out of the year, or have less than 15 service connections.

These would include single water supplies that serve:

  • homes
  • small businesses
  • small churches
  • small mobile home parks
  • communities with fewer than 25 residents.

How to Obtain a Permit to Construct or Alter a Private Water Well

An application for a permit to construct a new water well or alter an existing well can be completed by the property owner or his/her designated agent or well contractor. 

The following items need to the submitted with an application:

  • Property owner's name, mailing address and telephone number
  • Property address
  • Name of Registered private water system contractor, ODH registration number and telephone number
  • Site plan and additional plans if required indicating the location of the well in relationship to any current or proposed structures, sewage treatment system, roadways, property lines, other potential hazards etc.

The FEE is $450 for an installation/replacement permit and $225 for an alteration.

For other types of wells and their associated fees please contact the EH Unit.

Download Permit Application

The permit will only be issued once the application is complete and approved.

Only a registered private water system contractor is permitted to do the work.

Application380.23 KB
Property Owner Application for Registration

Property/homeowners may only perform work on residences and properties that they own and shall obtain a registration from the Ohio Department of Health prior to performing work. 

Once registration waiver form is approved by ODH you may apply for a permit as stated above.

Variance Request From

A board of health may grant a variance from the requirements of the sewage rules when a person has made written application for a variance to the board requesting the variance and the applicant shows that because of practical difficulties, or other special conditions, compliance with this chapter will cause unusual and unnecessary hardship.

water sample
Water Samples

Testing for bacteria, or coliform testing, is an indicator for possible contamination is available for wells.

The cost is $45 if you pick up the bottle and take the sample yourself or $75 if a sanitarian from our office comes to take a sample (sometimes required).

Please call for other types of tests and cost which include but not limited to Nitrates, Lead and E. coli.

The sample bottles MUST be picked up at our Environmental Health office at 428 W. Liberty St., any day of the week.

(you can't use your own container to collect and bring the sample in)

Collection of sample from your tap after 12:00pm on Tuesday

Deliver to our office at 428 W. Liberty St., between 1:00pm Tuesday & 9am Wednesday

Collection of sample from your tap after 12:00pm on Thursday

Deliver to our office at 428 W. Liberty St., between 1:00pm Tuesday & 9am Wednesday

**Sample results are typically available within 5 business days**

real estate

Water system evaluation for real estate transfers service can be provided by Environmental Health unit.

When homeowners sell their property, many lending institutions require that the water system be evaluated/inspected to assure the system is functioning properly and will provide safe water for the new buyer through the collection of a water sample and/or an inspection of the existing well.

This is not required by Wayne County

The fee for a real estate well inspection is $200.00 or for only a water sample is $90.00.